Friday, June 24, 2011

Treadmill Time!

Inclement weather has a peculiar habit of occuring just as I want to get a run in. Running in a thunderstorm presents unique challenges- which I got denied the chance to face. I received an official parental veto of my running plans as soon as the thunder started rolling in. My father apparently has some serious qualms with endangering the life of his children. Who'd ever imagine that?
I did get permission to use the treadmill, however. It's a devise which draws up a conflict of oppinions. On the one hand, it's a great tool for bad weather and my pacing is gauranteed. However, the belt is a bit small for my stride and it's as monotonous as staring at a wall for 40 minutes (probably because it IS staring at a wall for 40 minutes, but I digress).
So I did my weight lifting for the day as lightning lit up the windows and I contemplated how totally bad-ass a picture of me bench-pressing against a backdrop of electricity would look. I went through the usual 15 minute stretching routine but I had a bit performing plyometrics in the garage. As spacious as a two car garage seems, it really isn't enough room for skips and karaokes. But I managed to make due before I mounted the treadmill. Luckily, my "Hollywood Undead" and "Disturbed" Pandora radio stations really helped time fly by. But I was still relieved when it was over. Tonight, after all, is just a warmup for a 10.5 mile excursion at 7 in the morning.
Speaking of that run, it will be the debut of a new feature to the blog- Video Day. I decided that while I can articulate the sensations of a run at least as well as the next guy (unless I'm sitting next to John L. Parker Jr.), a picture is worth a thousand words. And a video is a bunch of pictures so I'm providing you a novel or something. Once a week, I'm going to record a workout or race and post it up here for you guys to see. Sort of like Flotrack's Workout Wensday, but without a set day. It may be on Sunday one week and Tuesday the next week; it all depends on the workouts. There is no better way to start it than with the most intense workout known to local atheletes- 10.5 at Clermont. Tune in tomorrow.

The Workout: 5 miles on the treadmill at 8 minutes per mile.
The Purpose: To allow my legs to recover for tomorrow's intense effort and continue to build an aerobic base.
Quote of the Workout: *during plyometrics* "Got to be sure I don't skip into the [scrap] 2x4's. That'd be a great way to end a season prematurely- get beaten by a piece of wood."

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