Friday, June 24, 2011

Over exhaustion.

As I awoke from one of those sleeps in which you only recognize you're unconscious soon before you wake up, I realized with a jolt that I had accidentally slept the day away. My clock read 12:30 and my mind filled with profanities and inquries. The most common? "How the f@ck did I sleep through my run?! How could I let this happen?"
The question though argued that I actually had a choice. Sometimes your body will politely suggest you need rest. Other times, it will present you with soreness to encourage it. For distance runners, the most stubborn breed of human on Earth, it doesn't bother reasoning- it knows you won't listen. So it just convinces you to rest for just a momen before your workout. Before you know it, 8 hours have passed and you haven't run for the day.
Normally my body handles the stresses of training rather well. But two days of solid work in the Florida sunshine, 12 hours of sleep over both nights, and a speed workout tend to really exhaust me. I got home, indulged in some Track and Field action, and hey-presto! My 7 mile easy day vanished. Mind freak!
Temptation whispers that I should do 7 today, and 15 tomorrow. Common sense said that was a stupid idea and that I should just continue as planned with 5 today and 10 tomorrow. Common sense wins it.

The Workout: 8 hours of well needed rest.
The Purpose: To allow my body to recharge for a hard effort on Saturday- although I had very little choice in the matter.
Quote of the Workout: "zzz"

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